Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Top 10 Reasons I'm ok with Not getting pregnant!

10. Stretch marks
9. morning sickness (or all day sickness!)
8. I've seen how big 12 centimeters is. Ouch.
7. Mood swings (I have enough of these as is)
6. uncontrollable bladder
5. Epidural (although I think I could like that part)
4. Episiotomy... need I say more
3. Seriously I don't think my boobs need to get any bigger.
2. Jamie had an abnormally large head as an infant....I don't have to explain my reasoning here

and the number one reason I'm ok with not getting pregnant.....

1. The fear of pooping while giving birth. I don't have to lay awake at night worrying about this anymore!


Mark and Hannah said...

Thank God I'm a man.

Marcie said...

hahaha...I'm sure you could!

Haley said...

Okay, you know which one I'm going to disagree with!!!!!!!! I'm with you on all the other ones, EXCEPT # 3. That is SOOOO a good thing!

Marcie said...

I'm sure it will be a lovely thing for you. I am sure it would be a horrendous thing for me!