Thursday, April 12, 2007

"Stop looking at me Swan"

The other day, Jamie called me to our back window. He said "Look what we have in our pond!"

I responded "How pretty! We have swans!"

Jamie looked at me and grinned "Babe, those are geese."

I feel like it was an honest mistake. Who says that swans couldn't land in our pond in the middle of west TN. I think it could totally happen.


indyhumes said...

Sounds like a Karin comment! That is what my husband says when I say something of the not so bright nature:)

How is the adoption process coming along?

We had an encouraging appt the other day!!

Rebecca said...

actually, they are Canadian Geese to be completely correct :)

Marcie said...

Jamie told me they were Canadian geese...he's pretty smart! I on the other hand thought they were swans. Not the brightest crayon in the box!