Thursday, June 7, 2007

There's a First Time for Everything

Yesterday I did two things that I have never done before.

When I tell you what those things are, it will not seem very glamorous. There won't be applause. I won't win any kind of award. But, they are things that finally make this whole wife and adult business come full circle for me. Be prepared for these small triumphs. For they are truly monumentous occassions.

1. I dropped two shirts off at the dry cleaners.

Now, I know that this may appear like a small feat, but I assure you, it is not. As a general rule, I like to avoid clothes that are "Dry Clean Only". Actually reading those words will cause me to put a shirt back faster than you can say "wow that looks great". Don't even temp me with perfect material and flattering fits. If it's dry clean only, this girl ain't purchasing it.

But, with my trip to New York and all the shopping that it entailed before hand, I had to bite the bullet and purchase clothes that would require trips to the cleaners. I caved. But what was I supposed to do? Cotton t-shirts and jean capris just weren't acceptable attire for the Big Apple.

So I feel like with dropping those shirts off, I have officially arrived into adult life. Welcome me. Here I am. The lady had to walk me through the process and even asked "Is this your first time here". Yes ma'am it is, please handle with care.

2. I sewed a pair of Jamie's shorts that had a tear in them.

I used a real sewing machine and fixed something that had been broken. This, my friends, has never occured before. I have been taking sewing lessons from my friend Hannah for a couple of months. So, sweet Jamie had full confidence in me that I could sew the crotch of his shorts up. I feel like an actual Proverbs 31 woman. My name should have been Martha. Never mind the fact that I sewed a little bit of the short legs together. They still worked though, he is wearing them this very day. Adolescents = 0 Adult Live = 1.

I'm growing up so fast y'all.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Look at you go... Jamie must be so proud:)